Move into special business;
Auction of brothers as slaves.  Total of $91.41 was collected or promised.

Executive Vice President

Conclave is over, details will be given at this meeting and next week.

Fellowship Vice President

The brothers won the walkout.  The pledges won the softball game 9 to 8.

Social Vice President

Softball with Gamma Sigma Sigma at picnic on Sunday, May 10.
May 2 the pledges are throwing the picnic at Look Park.

The Cup is off.

The soccer team lost 4 to 2 in double-overtime.

Money for the banquet must be in as soon as possible to Chris.

Old Business

Nominations and declinations.

New Business

Lower offices nominations and declinations

Move to make the Arlen Cup permanent a chapter award.  Passed. 

Move that Kappa Omicron present this motion to the sectional conclave.

Move to form a sectional committee to coordinate the activities of and keep up relations with all chapters in the section -- ...Passed.

Move the Kappa Omicron offer its services to serve as a sectional committee for the next two years ...Passed, but tabled at the conclave.

Note: swearing of new Eecutive Board and initiation Wednesday night, 7:00 to 8 p.m. upstairs Memorial Hall.  Voting Monday 29th, 13 initiations.

Respectfully submitted
W. Leo Edmonds
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes